Fees & Financial Information
In Network Providers for: Aetna, United/Optum, TriCare, Blue Cross blue Shield
We take FSA (Flex Spending), HSA (Health Care Savings), Care Credit, and NCSEAA Wallet Payments
These estimates are provided to allow for ‘ballpark’ estimates and are generally representative of our fees. Because we are a speciality group practice, we are able to customize many of our services and thus, fees may deviate (lower or higher) depending on your specific case.
Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations (link to testing process)
Range from $2,400 - $3,500 with most falling in the $2,600 - $2,900 range.
We also offer abbreviated/summary reports for clients who are searching for an evaluation but do not require a full written report. These evaluations are just as comprehensive, but can be less costly because the report writing represents a large cost. Please ask and we are happy to talk with you about this.
Wondering about the costs? Please read “Why are evaluations so expensive?”
Though contracted insurance companies do cover some portion of testing, they do not cover the educational portion of our testing process. We will discuss this with you during the initial consultation call. You can expect your out-of-pocket costs to be any deductible or co-insurance, plus the fee for the non-covered costs. Please use this link to guide you in determining your benefits.
We are considered out of network providers for all other insurance providers, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be reimbursed for testing services. We can provide you will a ‘superbill’ after testing is completed which will allow you to seek reimbursement (see link for determining your out of network benefits).
Autism Evaluations
Private Pay:
As an add on to Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations - $700 - $900
Stand alone evaluations range from $2,150 - $2,350
Gifted Evaluations
Range from $600 - $750
Individual Session $100 - $155 (55 mins)
Family Session - $125 - $175 (55 mins)
Therapy Groups - $30 - 70/session (55 mins)
Many of our providers accept insurance (Optum/UHC, BCBS, Aetna, Tricare)
Speech/Language Therapy, Social Skills Groups & Evaluations
Individual speech therapy $70 - $125/session depending on session length, type, and provider
Speech Evaluations - $250 - $400
Social Skills/Interests Groups - $50 - $80/session
Our providers accept some insurance (Optum/UHC, Cigna, BCBS, Tricare, Aetna)
Special Educational Advocacy
$125/hour - billable in .25/hour increments
Executive Function/ADHD Coaching
12 week packages, Depending on provider, Monthly Fee $400 - $500/month
Tutoring, Academic Coaching
Dyslexia Therapy - $90 - $100/hour
Academic Coaching - $80 - 90/hour
Tutoring - $60 - $75/hour
College Planning & ACT/SAT Test Prep
Test prep - $125/ session
College Planning Sessions - $150/hr
College Planning Research, Communication, List Preparation - $150/hr billable in .25 hour increments
Other services (career/major planning) - $150/hr
Other Programs - Camps, Summer Intensives
Please Call or Email for Rates
Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations (typically for college and graduate students)
We are in network with Aetna, United/Optum, Tricare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield
Private pay range from $2,500 to $2,900 - (see link for determining your out of network benefits)
We also offer abbreviated/summary reports for clients who are searching for an evaluation but do not require a full written report. These evaluations are just as comprehensive, but can be less costly because the report writing represents a large cost. Please ask and we are happy to talk with you about this.
Wondering about the costs? Please read “Why are evaluations so expensive?”
Autism/ADHD Evaluations
In some cases our providers may provide a stand alone evaluation answer the referral question -Are behaviors consistent with ADHD or Autism/Asperger’s Brainstyle difference. Private pay evaluations range from $1,400 - $3,100