Often students need more support than their school can provide. We have a staff of tutors who can help in nearly all school subjects. We are pleased to offer tutoring support from Kindergarten - College. Some features of our program include:

  • Virtual or In-person sessions

  • A variety of flexible times to fit your schedule

  • Diagnostic assessment to determine learning gaps so we can target tutoring

  • Regular updates of student progress

  • Optional access to online support and practice software

Executive Functioning/ADHD Coaching

Is your child… forgetting assignments? Highly distractible? Doesn’t know where to begin? Lacking study skills? A black and white thinker?

Let us be the coach so you can be the parent.


Our typical client spends 1 hour per week for 12 weeks, working one on one with a coach on his/her top executive skills problem areas. The coach also provides 2 check-ins between the weekly sessions to help with accountability. After the initial program is over, some families opt to do an occasional ‘booster’ to keep the skills fresh and active.


Executive Functioning skills/aDHD coaching

Executive Function skills are self-management abilities that help people achieve goals. In order to effectively meet the challenges of ever-increasing school, work, and life demands, people must be able to manage their emotions and attention, organize and plan their work and time, and reflect upon and revise their tactics as circumstances change. Our goal is for individuals to become more effective by teaching them skills that apply well beyond the current challenges they face. Coaches use real life situations from school as vehicles to build these Executive Function skills.

Why Coaching & Not Tutoring?

As coaches, we teach the skills that allow one to become effective and independent. We use their current challenges - a night of homework, preparing for a test or presentation, writing a research paper or report, as a springboard to teach clients how to approach the next challenge. We apply a gradual release approach where we begin with considerable support and then focus on their acquisition of tools and strategies so that our clients become more capable of doing the work on their own. As they see success, they become more confident, more willing to invest greater effort, and more capable of working independently. In addition to the school/work-specific skills that this sort of coaching provides, the Executive Function lens allows us to build broader skills, such as time management, organization, sustained attention and self-awareness, that generalize far beyond school to success in life.

Wondering if you or your child might benefit from our coaching program? Download our Executive Skills Checklist by clicking on your location: